Author: Szanto

Harpoon Harry's Crab House

Rally Point

With everyone coming from different parts of the U.S, we have set a rally point for the reunion. We will be meeting for lunch at Harpoon Harry’s Crab House around 1 P.M. Traditionally, we’ve spent a few hours there waiting for attendees to arrive, eat, drink and wait for check-in time. August 8, 2019 13:00…


Bring It!

With 30 days left until our 5th “annual” reunion, it’s time to assign responsibilities. Mostly everyone is driving/riding to Tennessee. Those that are unable to bring anything will contribute money to help pitch in. Once everyone arrives, we will take inventory and make a trip to the store to fill in the gaps. In years…

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2019 Fundraiser Shirts

We’re doing it again! Through Custom Ink, we are selling shirts again with hopes of raising some extra money to help with funding. Last year, $460 was raised by selling shirts which was used to put towards this year’s cabin rentals. As a result, cabin rates were kept down. These shirts have the same nutritional…

The Most Cabins Ever!

The Most Cabins Ever!

This year, 3 cabins (the most we’ve ever needed) were rented just northeast of Pigeon Forge, Tennessee; each of which are within a quick walk of one another. Cabins and rooms will be assigned to everyone in the coming weeks as we try to keep couples together. Lodging details are summarized below but if you…


2019 Final Head Count

Since the initial head count we took back in December, we have a commitment from the Marines below. The final numbers came to 25 Marines, 16 of which are bringing their significant others for a total of 41. Three cabins in the Pigeon Forge, TN area have been reserved to accommodate everyone. Check back for…